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Options is created and maintained by volunteers. Its main purpose is to be an accessible digital storage for all published articles written and co-written bij Aboeprijadi ‘Tossi’ Santoso, and to provide a platform for free discussion of these articles and topics.

To safeguard this free and open platform, does not rely on the support of funds or sponsoring by organisations and/or stakeholders. That’s why we would like to ask you for a small donation; to keep the costs of running this platform covered.

If the cumulative amount of the donations exceeds a certain amount, a donation will be made by us to the ‘Free Press Unlimited’ foundation

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Contact Aboeprijadi

If you want to make a donation more than 250 euro’s or dollars (4 million Indonesian rupiahs), please contact Aboeprijadi using the contact form on the website.

You are also free to contact Aboeprijadi if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions.


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Both single and recurring donations are very welcome. If you want to donate anonymously, we recommend the use of bitcoin.