Batara Simatupang, Pendekar di Usia Senja

Dia salah satu dari 13 ekonom Universitas Indonesia yang dikirim untuk studi di Amerika Serikat. Namun, ahli ekonomi-sosialis ini...

Sobron Aidit: “Soeharto itu Mantan Diktator Paling Beruntung”

Artikel ini semula terbit dan disiarkan Radio Nederland Seksi Indonesia, Gema Warta, pada 10 Mei 2005. Juga terbit di...

Aceh, Persatean 1965, dan ‘NKRI’

Ada yang aneh bin ganjil di bulan September 2005 ini. Kontroverse soal MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) atau persetujuan damai...

1965 Exiles – Rectifying past errors

https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/nasional-list/conversations/messages/40861 The article (‘ Recognizing and rectifying the errors of the past’) was published in The Jakarta Post September...

Oct 28 · 3 min read >

Mencatat Rosihan, mengenang Soerjono – Dua wartawan di simpang jalan

Artikel ini terbit di Historia 18 April 2011https://historia.id/politik/articles/mencatat-rosihan-mengenang-soerjono-vZ4L6/page/1 SEKIRA pertengahan 2008 saya bertemu Rosihan Anwar di Kedutaan Besar Kerajaan...

Reconciling truth and geopolitical truth

The article was based on a seminar organized by WatchIndonesia in Berlin on May 11, 2006 Truth and reconciliation...

Sobron’s Fate Highlights Nation’s Tragedy

By Aboeprijadi Santoso, The Jakarta Post, February 16, 2007 Living in exile is a life “born out of blood,...

Oct 10 · 3 min read >

What has the Left left behind?

AMSTERDAM (JP): Hundreds of Indonesian exiles, scattered across Europe for decades, are no longer “the pariah of the nation”...

Oct 6 · 5 min read >

Buried histories 55 years on: A message to the nation

It was late December 1965 when we on the way home had to stop near a bridge somewhere in...

Oct 5 · 3 min read >